Tuesday, October 25, 2005

WARNING: Rambling Girl In Vicinity Of A Blog

Well it's 10:34 on a Tuesday morning and I have stuff that I could be doing, but do I REALLY want to do it? In the words of Gina Yashere "I DON'T 'FINK SO".

Instead i am sitting here in my room on my own doing various things like...changing the view of my blog (do you think it looks pretty?). And trying to get the university network to recognise my mac mini. I mean come on, I have 2 network points in my room, surely I should be allowed to use both of them? The joys of trying to fleece a University.

On the upside, my name has randomly been put on the guest list for Mobygrape every tuesday since I got here. The fact that I've only been there once (and on a thursday too) since I got here means that I am slightly confused. Why would I want to go to Chart and Cheese Night. I prefer the rock night (where they actually played nothing but r'n'b confusingly enough). It's Alt Soc's social there this Thursday, maybe I can carry my free entry position over till then.

I think some guy called Murphy has been working his magic here again as I am surrounded by washing that needs to be done however every time I go to the laundry room, there is a queue of about 10 people, and it's been like that every day for the past week! Don't worry I have lots of clean clothes still, and I'm not onto turning my underware inside out just yet. The fact that my room is practically next door to the laudry room makes no difference, as soon as I see a large number of people leave, an equally large number are automatically transported there. I miss the days of getting up at 2 to do washing for the next day *curses Durham rules*

Have you ever watched the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie? Well I'd only seen the cartoon till yesterday when Scott produced it after his trip home, along with a mahoosive bag of fruit and of course the obligatory xbox (wonder if he'll let me mod it for him? I need a new project) I have to say it is quite a funny film. Especially when the word "HADEEL" keeps scrolling across the screen every 5 minutes.

Well I am off to play a little ball game now. Then i suppose I should get on with:

  • Completing my cognitive essay on methodologies
  • Actually reading about the research we're doing today
  • Finishing my social notes
  • Reading numerous biological books
  • Reminding myself about Mann-Whitney Yu tests
  • Trying to install SPSS on at least one machine here.

posted by Em @ 9:34:00 am


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