Monday, November 07, 2005

Step away from the Fudge!

Well this weekend was very eventful i have to say. I went to Cambridge to see Elysenburger (sory just felt the need to say that) and i had a wonderful time (see Elyse i did enjoy myself, no need to worry). So sit back and i shall give you the highlights of my trip:

The Train Journey: Well to start with i ended up getting on the train at Thornaby with my JCR president and talking to him a long time about the uni, what we hate about it and what we can do to make the whole place a lot better. Darlington brought a freaky horse racing guy giving me tips while i was trying desperately to read my cognitive textbook (see i'm so studious). Then Peterborough came and went where there was a freaky biker guy sitting in my reserved seat and consequently i ended up surrounded by Russians who wouldn't move when i wanted to get off.

Saturday: Met Elyse at the station, walked back to her room, dumped mystuff and then went into town. Had a cream tea (but with hot chocolate) in Auntie's Tea Room. Walked around, saw some cool shops, wanted to spend money that i don't really have. Then we went and watched Garden State back at Elyse's. Ranted about work loads and various other things. Or conflabbed is a more accurate word. Then we had some lovely yummy food provided by Miss Quinn and set off for the firework display. Except we kind of missed it. Well we saw some on the way there until we were confronted with thousands of people leaving the common. Saw the massive bonfire and spent about 20 minutes trying to find Elyse's friends. Then we went for a tour around Cambridge trying to find somewhere to have a drink, and ended up in the Robinson college bar via Sainsbury's. Had a drink in there, went to the Robinson JCR and met more Cambridge people including Brandon the Candian that knows everybody. Listened to a debate about politics and the various Uni papers and what views they have. Then when we eventually got chucked out of there, there was a muffin fight in the quad thing which was basically Brandon throwing mini muffins at everyone. This included the great jam hunt because someone wanted to make vodka jam. Eventually we headed for bed and had another conflab session.

Sunday: Went to Peppercorn's fpr chcolate crunch cake and then had to head to the station. It was raining as per usual for this week. Felt sad to be leaving Elyse, i really miss her (i really do) and headed home on the train. Journey home wasn't that eventful apart from the rain and most of the people getting on the thornaby train at darlington being Durham students. Got home, fed fudge to people, and then watched Saw which i had only seen half of previously. It's a creepy film i must say and the plan is that we watch Saw 2 tonight. Don't know if i can due to lack of sleep this weekend.

So there you go, we had fun and now i'm back in Stockton going about my day to day business. I shall now leave you with one of the greatest lines i've heard a train announcer saying:

"Don't board this train if you don't intend to travel"

posted by Em @ 12:21:00 pm


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