All Finished!
Exams are over and have been for a while now! Cognitive was definitely the hardest. Let's just say that:1 mediocre essay + 1 extremely crap essay + 1 list of words = Emma resitting Cognitive.
So to you all who are resitting, i shall see you around in August!
After the nightmare of an exam, Nat, Bryan, JD and myself headed to Teeside park to see X-Men 3, the best film i've seen recently! We got into it so much that we couldn't talk of anything else while sitting in the pub or on the long walk back to campus for college dining. That evening, i once again found myself on a long walk, this time to Thornaby to pick up a copy of Episode 23 of Season 2 of Lost. That's how desperate i was to watch it! Nat and I polished off a bottle of wine to celebrate the end of exams and joined the nuts of Bry for the spectacular event. After discussing the merits of the series and episode for a good few hours, it was time for bed.
Luckily i managed to wake up in time for lunch at Spoons with a few of the Business girls who had just had their last exam. A few pints of cider and black later, we were wandering down Stockton High Street trying our best to not get arrested for drunk and disorderly behaviour. We bought more alcohol and of course pizza in preparation for the Backhouse party later that night. Many people joined us for the party, and i slept on Nat's floor to save myself any embarassment upon returning home. All i can say that it was a great night!
Yesterday involved a trip to the retail park to help Mr Biggs find an outfit for his up and coming audition. I purchased a few books for myself including Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk (the guy who wrote Fight CLub) and i have to say that the first chapter has caused a riot in my flat as it is quite disgusting in nature! The evening was occupied with a visit to the Rocket to celebrate Clare's last weekend in the UK as she will soon be jetting off to the big old US of A. Much fun was had, just want to apologise to Clare herself for walking off early without saying goodbye, still i shall see her tuesday no doubt, when the bio-meds have finished their exams (finally!)
Today has been a day of catching up on sleep (I realise it is now officially Monday, but hey!) and a trip to Riley's for a few rounds of pool, one of which i won by default and the rest i lost dramatically, especially my final bout against Mish.
Well i guess i should head for bed since even the hardcore among us retired to the land of nod a good while ago.
posted by Em @ 12:15:00 am
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