Job Hunting
That's right people, I'm in Sunny Grays (a rare thing I know) searching for a job to last for over the summer. So far it looks like I'll be returning to the wonder that was Boots, but that doesn't bother me much, as long as i get a job somewhere.Just to brief you up on the events of the past week:
- Snow Day was great! I beat Nat on the assault course, which in turn assaulted my knee. Had a few drinks, lazed in the sun watching the bands and strutted my funky stuff at the Rocket later on that evening. Returned to Harewood block for some more vodka and returned to my dwelling at approximately 5 am.
- Nat left on Saturday (i blame Rory for taking her away from me) and I have to say that i do miss her! Still i get to see her in 2 weeks, and then i'm sure i shall see her over the summer many times.
- I think we've managed to exhaust everybody's entire dvd collection in Snow, that's how bored the population of Fairbridge and Backhouse have been! Still, i think i may have something to take back with me that will cheer someone up...
posted by Em @ 8:06:00 pm
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